Happy Teachers Day Message, Wishes, and Teachers Day Speech

Check out Happy Teachers Day Message, happy teachers day wishes, Teachers Day Speech, happy teachers day quotes, teachers day poems, happy teachers day images, happy teachers day message Facebook, happy teachers day message WhatsApp, messages for teachers, and happy teachers day speech in English for Happy teachers day 2015.

In India, Teacher’s Day is celebrated on 5th September every year. 5th September is the birthday of a great Indian philosopher and teacher “Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan”, who was a staunch believer of education, and was a well-known diplomat, scholar, the President of India and above all, a teacher.

Teacher’s Day is a special tribute to the hard work and devotion of the teachers all year long, to educate a child. The occasion of Happy teacher’s day is very special for both the teacher and student. This is the day when the teachers feel so proud and great to receive the extensive love and appreciation from their students. Similarly, students also feel very fortunate to be with the great and lovable teachers from years.

There are unlimited ways to honor your teachers for their special contributions in your life. Currently, if you are living your life away from home or shoot & college then still you can make them happy and feel proud by sending Happy Teachers Day Gifts, Happy teachers day message or happy teachers day wishes, happy teachers day quotes, teachers day poems, handwritten happy teachers day speech in English or Hindi etc.

Happy teachers day message

In today’s Teachers Day special guide, I am going to list some of the best happy teachers day Message, happy teachers day wishes, teachers day speech, Happy teachers day speech for thanking teachers, thank you wishes for teachers, short speech on teachers day, happy teachers day images, happy teachers day greeting cards, and teachers day poems etc and hope you will like them a lot. Let’s check out the huge collections of best happy teacher’s day messages, teachers day wishes, and speech for teachers day:

Happy Teachers Day Message and Teachers Day Speech

All these latest happy teachers day messages, happy teachers day wishes, speech for thanking teachers and teachers day speech by students in English will not only help you to express your unconditional love and respect between you and your teachers but it will also support you to make your relationship more strong and perfect.

So, let’s have a look at the list of happy teachers day message, happy teachers day wishes, happy teachers day quotes, teachers day speech for thanking teachers:

Happy Teachers Day Message

Teachers Day is the ideal occasion to make your respected teachers feel special by sending lovely and inspiring Happy teachers day messages, teachers day wishes, Teachers Day Speech, teachers day quotes, teachers day poems, happy teachers day images etc. Here are some of the best happy teachers day messages for teachers:

  • You were a mentor of life. Although, I did not realize this before, but now it feels wonderful to have someone lead me in the right path in life.
  • Thank you for teaching me how to read and write, for guiding me to distinguish between what is wrong and what is right. For allowing me to dream and soar as a kite, thank you for being my friend, mentor, and light.
  • For Teaching Children Lessons,
    To Help Them As They Grow,
    Let This Gift Remind You,
    You’re The Best Teacher We Know!
  • Dear teacher, your inspiring words have made a difference in my life.
    Thanks for making me what I am today.
    Sending my warm wishes and hoping that you have a lovely Teachers Day
  • Dear teacher, Thanks for being so outstanding, understanding and caring
    you proved that learning can be joyous and pleasant experience
    You are a wonderful teacher
    Wishing you a Happy Teachers Day!
  • You Are The Best!
    Have a happy Teachers Day.
  • I was lucky to have a teacher as wonderful as you are.
    Wishing you a Teachers Day that’s full of joyous moments!
  • Teachers’ day messages Dear teacher, Thanks for supporting and enlightening all my way.
    If only I could have your blessing for a lifetime,
    I would succeed the way I have done always.
    Have a wonderful Teachers Day
  • Dear Teacher, Thank You
    For Continually Inspires me to do my best
    You help me strive for goals,
    I found guidance, friendship, discipline and love, everything, in one person.
    And that person is you
    Happy Teacher’s Day
  • The way you teach..
    The knowledge you share..
    The care you take..
    The love you shower..
    Makes you..
    The world’s best teacher.
    Happy Teacher’s Day
  • Sending my love and warmth to you,
    You have not only been a wonderful teacher but also friend, philosopher, and guide
    May you have a memorable Teachers Day
  • Inspirational Messages for Retired Teachers For my sweet retired teacher, for all the years you have extended your gracious effort in shaping many careers I thank you with all my heart and extend my good wishes for you. You have been a true inspiration and a great mentor for everyone in the school.
  • You have always been my inspiration who guided me all throughout.
    Thanks for being my true mentor.
    Wishing that this Teachers’ Day be really special for you!
  • Remember all words he says
    Words to make you social
    Words to make you special
    He is our teacher
    He is our guide
    Let’s make him feel pride
  • Dear Teacher,
    Thanks for making us what we are today.
    Happy Teachers Day
  • I may not say it always.
    But, I mean it whenever I say it.
    Thank You Teacher
    For all the things, you have done for me.
    Happy Teachers Day!
  • The Award for
    the most wonderful teacher
    has been declared
    it goes to You.
    Wishing you a very Happy Teachers day!
  • The teacher is a person
    who always helps everybody
    to get the knowledge
    always stands beside the students
    when they have problems.
    Thanks for being my teacher.
    Happy Teachers Day!!
  • We are fortunate
    we had a teacher
    as wonderful
    loving and caring
    as You.
    Happy Teachers Day sir!!
  • When it comes to teaching
    no one can compete with you.
    Happy teachers day.
  • The mediocre teacher tells.
    The good teacher explains.
    The superior teacher demonstrates.
    The great teacher inspires.
  • Wish You Happy Teachers Day !!!
    A Good Teacher Is Like A Candle –
    It Consumes Itself To
    Light The Way For Others 🙂
  • Be A Candle
    Be A Light
    Be A Twinkle
    Be A Hope
    Be An Inspiration
    Be A Great Teacher Forever!
    Happy Teachers Day..!
  • Teacher Is Lamp Of Nation.
    Teacher Only One Person Who Serve Society In Real Manner.
    Salute All Teachers Of Nation.
    Happy Teachers Day
  • Full form of TEACHER:
    Happy Teachers Day !!
  • “Better Than A Thousand Days
    Of Diligent Study Is One Day
    With A Great Teacher…”
    Happy Teacher’s Day
  • I found
    everything, in one person.
    And that person is you. Happy Teachers Day!
  • You are not only our teacher
    You are our friend, philosopher and guide
    All molded into one person
    We will always be grateful for your support
    Happy Teachers Day!
  • Without you, we would have been lost.
    Thank you teacher for guiding us, inspiring us
    And making us what we are today.
    Happy Teachers Day!
  • To his/her students
    A teacher is always true!
    We are fortunate to have a teacher
    As wonderful loving and caring as you!
    Happy Teachers Day!
  • Teachers Day
    The way you teach…
    The knowledge you share…
    The care you take…
    The love you shower..
    Makes you…
    The world’s best teacher…
    Happy Teacher’s Day!


Happy Teachers Day Wishes

  • They help us take shot at our goals;
    They prepare us to play life’s roles;
    They help us cross the difficult poles;
    I shall remain indebted to such noble souls.
    Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • You’ve done wonders with me:
    By enlightening me with your wisdom;
    Transforming me with your intellect;
    And working diligently with perseverance.
    Thanks for making me what I am today.
    Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • I will miss my teachers but you’ll always cherish their lessons. Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Teachers are the parents who guide you without any ulterior motive.
    I thank you, dear teacher – for being my strength and my inspiration!
    Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • If it weren’t for the teachers, we would have been living in dark ages.
    Dear Teacher, I value and cherish your teachings.
    Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • I am proud to let you know that you have
    been the great teacher in my life!
    Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Dear Teacher,
    Thanks for inspiring hope in me;
    Igniting my imagination;
    And instilling in me – a love of learning.
    Happy Teacher’s Day!
  • Thank you,teacher for guiding us, inspiring us
    and making us complete individuals!
    Happy Teachers’ Day!
  • Dear Teacher,
    I want to say that you are more than a teacher…
    you have been a friend and guide to me.
    Thanks for helping me to find myself and be myself!
    Happy Teacher’s Day!
  • Dear Teacher,
    Whatever you taught me remains with me at all times.
    No one can ever steal it from me.
    I am thankful to God for blessing me with a Teacher like you!
    Happy Teachers’ Day!

Happy Teachers Day Speech

You can construct a standard Teachers’ Day Speech by keep in mind following things: Chart out your speech, Duration of the speech, Go simple, acknowledge their efforts, Tell them their importance, Adorn with quotes, Don’t neglect the purpose of the day, It’s a dedication, and Bring out the poet in you etc. Here’s some best happy teacher day speech in English and Hindi for students:

Happy Teachers day Speech in English

Teacher’s Day is celebrated to express our gratitude and appreciate the hard work of our Teachers. Teachers’ Day in India is observed on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan that falls on 5th of September every year.

This great son of India was a teacher and later he became the Vice-President of Indian Republic. On the death of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan became the President.

We, the students, are very proud to pay our respect to that great Teacher-President on this day. We pay our respect to our own teachers as well. Our teachers inspire us the same way as Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan inspired his students. They love us and are always anxious to help us.

It is widely celebrated in schools and colleges. Occasionally, Students and teachers together also arrange for a Teachers’ Day Function. Teachers and students gather somewhere inside the school and the celebration begins.

We owe more to our teachers than we owe to even our parents. Our teachers help us stride forward, build our character and prepare us to face life.

On Teachers’ Day we thank our dear teachers. We express our love and gratefulness on the occasion of Teachers Day. On this day we also promise to be worthy citizens of India.

Teachers Day Speech by Students in English

Teachers’ Day is celebrated in India on 5th September every year. It is the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. This great son of India was an outstanding scholar and teacher. Later on he became the Vice President of Indian republic when Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the President of India. When he died, Radhakrishnan became the President.

Teachers’ day is observed to pay respect to the teachers of our country. We also pay our respect to our own teachers. Teachers are regarded as the back-bone of our society. They have the greatest contribution to build up the characters of students and help them to become ideal citizens of our country.

The teachers teach students most carefully and sincerely and love them as their own children. We owe them more than our parents. Our parents bring us up and give us food and drink for our survival, but teachers arouse our hearts with light of knowledge and remove all sorts of ignorance. The study that we do at schools and colleges build the foundation of our character.

The teachers inspire us to proceed forward, to build our ethics and prepare us to withstand obstacles of our life. The teacher also imparts immense knowledge and wisdom in our lives. On this day, teachers are honoured through various functions and these functions are celebrated at every place throughout the country. The government also pays respect to them by giving different awards. On this day, we give them thanks and honour them by saying, – we are grateful to you dear teachers for all you do for us.

Happy Teachers Day Speech in Hindi

मित्रों, ऐसे संस्कारित एवं शिष्ट माकूल जवाब से किसी को आहत किये बिना डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन जी ने भारतीयों को श्रेष्ठ बना दिया। डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन जी का मानना था कि व्यक्ति निर्माण एवं चरित्र निर्माण में शिक्षा का विशेष योगदान है।

वैश्विक शान्ति, वैश्विक समृद्धि एवं वैश्विक सौहार्द में शिक्षा का महत्व अतिविशेष है। उच्चकोटी के शिक्षाविद् डॉ. सर्वपल्ली राधाकृष्णन जी को भारत के प्रथम राष्ट्रपति महामहीम डॉ. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद ने भारतरत्न से सम्मानित किया।

Happy Teachers Day Status for Whatsapp

  • A good teacher is like a candle, It consumes itself to light the way for others. Happy Teachers Day.
  • Dear Teacher, Thanks for inspiring hope in me; Igniting my imagination; And instilling in me – a love of learning. Happy Teacher’s Day!
  • The Award for the most wonderful teacher has been declared and it goes to You. Happy Teachers day!!
  • 89% f teachers r suffering from throat cancer problem by teaching students.. So plz BUNK d classes as much as possible & save our TEACHERS..;-) ..HAPY TEACHERS DAY.
  • For Teaching Children Lessons,To Help Them As They Grow,
  • Let This Gift Remind You,You’re The Best Teacher We Know! Happy Teachers day.!
  • You are a wonderful teacher,who proved that learning can be joyous and pleasant experience,wishing you a HAPPY TEACHER’S DAY
  • The object of teaching a child is to enable him to get along without his teacher. Happy Teachers Day
  • I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. Happy Teachers Day
  • Teaching might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit. Happy Teachers Day
  • I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.Happy Teachers Day
  • If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn’t have tenure.I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. Happy Teachers Day
  • The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Happy Teachers Day
  • Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well. Happy Teachers Day
  • A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. Happy Teachers Day
  • “I put the relation of a fine teacher to a student just below the relation of a mother to a son.” Happy Teachers Day
  • 89% of teachers are suffering from throat cancer problem by teaching students.. So plz BUNK the classes as much as possible & save our TEACHERS..;-) Happy Teachers Day
  • The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called truth. Happy Teachers Day 🙂
  • Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well. Happy Teachers Day
  • The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Happy Teachers Day
  • I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.  Happy Teachers Day

Happy Teachers Day Messages for Teachers

  • A Good Teacher is a Master Of Simplification and an Enemy Of Simplism.
    Happy Teachers Day.
  • Dear Teacher, Thank You
    For Continually Inspires me to do my best
    You help me Strive for Goals,
    I found guidance, friendship, discipline
    and love, everything, in one person.
    And that person is you
    Happy Teacher’s Day
  • Dear teacher, your inspiring words have
    made a difference in my life.
    Thanks for making me what I am today.
    Sending my warm wishes and hoping that you
    have a lovely Teachers Day.
  • You have always been my inspiration who
    guided me all throughout.
    Thanks for being a my true mentor.
    Wishing that this Teachers’ Day be really special for you!
    Have a wonderful Teachers Day.
  • Teacher is a person
    who always helps everybody
    to get the knowledge and
    always stands beside the students
    when they have problems.
    Thanks for being my teacher.
    Happy Teachers Day
  • The Award for the most wonderful teacher
    has been declared and it goes to You.
    Wishing you a very Happy Teachers day!
  • Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge
    and always stands beside the students when they have problems.
    Thanks for being my teacher.
    Happy Teachers Day
  • Teacher is someone patiently who stands by us
    who insliting the essence of life.
    You are wonderful teachers
    who proved that learning can be joyous
    and pleasant experience
    wishing you a HAPPY TEACHER’S DAY
  • One looks back with appreciation
    to the brilliant teachers,
    but with gratitude to those who touched
    our human feelings. The curriculum is
    so much necessary raw material,
    but warmth is the vital element for the
    growing plant and for the soul of the
  • I found
    everything, in one person and that person
    is you.
    Happy Teachers Day


Teachers Day Celebration Date

Officially, the World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th October but the date on which Teachers’ day is celebrated varies from country to country (source: Wikipedia). Here’s the list of Teachers day celebration date:


Date of Teachers’ Day
Afghanistan October
Albania March 7
Algeria February 28
Argentina September 11
Armenia October 5
Australia Last Friday in October
Azerbaijan October 5
Bangladesh October 4
Belarus First Sunday of October
Brunei Darussalam September 23
Bhutan May 2
Bolivia June 6
Brazil October 15
Bulgaria October 5
Cameroon October 5
Canada October 5
Chile October 16
China September 10
Colombia May 15
Costa Rica November 22
Czech Republic March 28
Ecuador April 13
Egypt February 28
El Salvador June 22
Estonia October 5
Germany October 5
Greece January 30
Guatemala June 25
Honduras September 17
Hong Kong September 10
Hungary First Sunday of June
India September 5
Indonesia November 25
Iran May 2
Israel 23 Kislev
Iraq October 1
Jamaica May 6
Jordan February 28
Laos October 7
Latvia The first Sunday of October.[13]
Lebanon March 9
Libya February 28
Lithuania October 5
Macedonia October 5
Malaysia May 16
Maldives October 5
Mauritius October 5
Mexico May 15
Republic of Moldova October 5
Mongolia First weekend of October
Morocco February 28
Myanmar January 16
Nepal Full moon day of nepali month Ashad
Netherlands October 5[15]
New Zealand October 29
Oman February 28
Pakistan October 5
Panama December 1
Paraguay April 30
Peru July 6
Philippines October 3
Poland October 14
Kuwait October 5
Qatar October 5
Romania June 5
Russia October 5
Saudi Arabia February 28
Serbia October 5
Singapore First Friday of September
Slovakia March 28
South Korea May 15 since 1963 in Seoul and 1964 in Chunju City
South Sudan December 1 (2011-12); October 1 (2013-)
Sri Lanka October 6
Spain January 29
Syria March 18 [21]
Taiwan September 28
Thailand January 16
Tunisia February 28
Turkey November 24
Ukraine The first Sunday of October
United Arab Emirates February 28
United Kingdom October 5
United States National Teacher Day is on Tuesday during Teacher Appreciation Week, which takes place in the first full week of May.
Uzbekistan October 1
Vietnam November 20
Venezuela January 15


February 28

I hope, you found an amazing list of Happy teachers day message, teachers day speech, happy teachers day wishes, happy teachers day quotes, teachers day poems & greeting card, Happy teachers day speech for thanking teachers and thank you wishes for teachers.

Share all these interesting and best happy teachers day messages and wishes for Whatsapp or Facebook or Instagram with your lovely and respected teachers and make the Teachers Day 2015 more memorable. Enjoy Happy teachers day 🙂