Hiding Drives in Windows through any special tool or third party software seems very difficult and long task but if you want to hide drives in Windows within seconds then the use of Command Prompt is the best option.
If you are using Windows 7 operating system on your PC and looking for the quick way of hiding Drives then this guide is perfect place for you. In this guide, we are going to show you – how you can hide drives in Windows 7 using command prompt.
The process is very simple, you have to use only few Command Lines and your desired drives will be hidden. Let’s see the step by step guide:
See also: How to Hide a File or Folder in Windows 7
How to Hide Drives in Windows 7
Step (1): Firstly, open Command Prompt. To open command prompt, write CMD in Start menu search area and press Enter. You can also find Command Prompt by moving to the Accessories file.
Step (2): Once the Command Prompt is ready, type command Diskpart and press Enter.
Note: If the UAC (User Account Control) dialog-box prompts then Click on “Yes“.
Step (3): Next, type List Volume and press Enter to see the list of all drives along with drive letter and volume number.
Just next to Volume, the volume number and drive letter is located which you have to use for selecting the drive.
Step (4): Now select the drive which you want to hide. To do this, type Select Volume <the volume number or drive letter> and press Enter.
For example: If you want to hide G drive then at the place of drive letter write G in command. So the command would be like – Select Volume G. Or if you want to use volume number then see the number of G drive in above command screen (step 3) which is 8. So the command would be like – Select Volume 8.
Step (5): Now, it’s the time to hide drive. To hide the drive, type Remove Letter <the volume number or drive letter> and press Enter.
For example: If you have selected to hide drive G in above step then here you have to type command like Remove Letter G.
You are done! Now the selected drive will hide immediately.
Read also: How to Show Hidden Files or Folders in Windows 7
How to Show Hidden Drives in Windows 7
After hiding the Drives in your Windows 7 computer, if you want to show those hidden Drives then you can also do that using command prompt. Click here to read – How to show hidden Drives in Windows 7 Using Command Prompt
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